Big firm practice meets in-house counsel
We combine the legal expertise and intellectual firepower of a big firm practice with the focus on efficiency and effective outcomes of in-house counsel.
We leverage our shared experience as partners of AmLaw 100 firms and as general counsels of media companies
We help our clients navigate corporate transactions & intellectual property issues in the media, entertainment and digital media sectors.
Devereux Chatillon
Devereux Chatillon is an experienced media and intellectual property attorney who specializes in the area of copyright and trademark counseling; strategic positioning and risk recognition; and litigation advice, including commercial as well as content related. She works with large and small companies, established firms and start-ups, to advise them on the use of every kind of content, from digital to traditional print, including licenses, rights and litigation.
Read Dev's extended bio and browse her articles, essays, panels and appearances
Lisa Weiss
Lisa Weiss specializes in corporate and commercial transactions in the media, entertainment, digital media and technology sectors. Her practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, venture capital transactions, licensing and distribution transactions and general corporate and strategic counseling for music, music publishing, film, television, games, social media, advertising, digital distribution and technology companies.
Read Lisa's extended bio and browse her recognitions, article, panels & appearances
Lisa's corporate law background and Dev's intellectual property experience complement one another. Combined, we offer clients an end to end solution for media sector transactions, working as needed with our clients' other legal service providers and/or "curated" specialists, whom we know well and can recommend to our clients without hesitation.
Our focus is on helping our clients navigate corporate and commercial transactions and intellectual property issues in the media, entertainment and digital media sectors
Our clients range from large, traditional media companies, to digital start-ups.
Content Acquisition and Distribution
Acquisition, development, protection, licensing, and management of digital and traditional content; drafting and negotiating distribution arrangements in digital, cable and other traditional media.
Corporate and Commercial
Mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and strategic alliances; angel, seed round, and VC financings; ad sales, master services and other commercial agreements.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property, including copyright and trademark counseling; strategic positioning and risk recognition; privacy, including COPPA; and litigation advice, including commercial as well as content-related.
General Counsel
Virtual, cost-conscious, general counsels; navigating legal (and identifying business) risks, providing solutions, sourcing other expertise as needed.
New Templates
Development of new templates for monetization and exploitation of content across all platforms in the publishing, television, motion picture, music, music publishing, and other content industries.
Risk Management
Advice & Risk Management across all operational areas of a company, whether it's large or small, drawing on our experience as General Counsels of a digital startup, a major music company, and a major, publicly-held publishing & distribution company.
Aligning our incentives with your priorities
Our approach to fees is not "one size fits all," we know that our clients have a range of priorities when it comes to legal fees. For those clients that prioritize predictability, we offer fixed fee and/or retainer arrangements. To hedge your risks on transactions, we offer a combination of discounts & success fees. If you are comfortable with the traditional billable hour, we offer that too, at rates that are substantially less than comparable big firm rates.
Get in touch
Chatillon Weiss PLLC
118 N. Bedford Rd., Suite 100
Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
646.277.4420 (o)
646.762.9862 (f)
Contact Dev directly: dev@chatillonlaw.com | 646.277.4429
Contact Lisa directly: lisa@chatillonlaw.com | 646.277.4431
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